April 28, 2023
Statement from the Caravana The South Resists! against the repression and eviction of the “Tierra y Libertad” blockade in the Mogoñe Viejo community, Guichicovi, Oaxaca
Friday April 28, 2023
From Oteapan, Veracruz
Caravan The South Resists!
Mogoñé Viejo, municipality of San Juan Guichicovi, Oaxaca.
Early today, the Mexican Navy, the National Guard and the Oaxaca State Police evicted the Tierra y Libertad blockade, which the Mixe indigenous community of Mogoñé Viejo had maintained for 61 days, on the railroad tracks, which are part of the megaproject called “Interoceanic Corridor”. Thursday night, around 10:38 p.m., the National Guard surrounded Camp Tierra y Libertad and detained six compas: María Magdalena Martínez Isabel, Fernando Hernández Gómez, Adela Severo Teodoro, Esperanza Martínez Isabel, Elizabeth Martínez Isabel and Eliodoro Martínez Isabel, whose whereabouts we still do not know.
Furthermore, compañera Adela Severo was beaten. The attack violated a space made up mostly of indigenous women who are defending the territory. This is a violent, misogynistic, classist, racist and patriarchal attack for which we hold the three levels of government (municipal, state and federal) responsible. It is the act of a totalitarian and repressive military government that has ecocidal interests.
We repudiate this criminal action of detention and physical repression of women. It is a patriarchal action that seeks to undermine those who are giving strength and dignity of the struggle for life and the defense of Mother Earth.
Yesterday, Thursday, April 27, we traveled as the Caravana El Sur Resiste (the South Resists Caravan L 1120through the territory defended by the sisters and brothers of Mogoñé, they told us about the tension they were experiencing due to the threats of eviction by the federal government. We as Caravana have experienced the harassment that implies the constant presence of the Navy, the National Guard and the officials of the National Institute of Migration, who have recorded and monitored us during our journey.
We demand an end to the repression and persecution of the compañeros and compañeras who defend the territory. Stop the intimidation of the Caravan and the struggles of the peoples who resist the Interoceanic Corridor, the Train misnamed Maya and all the death projects of this bad government.
We demand the immediate appearance of the detained compañeras and compañeros
We hold the Federal Government headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador responsible for the climate of tension and the violence generated against our compañeros and compañeros and against all the organizations that confront their death projects.
If they touch a community, we all respond!
Let it be known that they do not intimidate us. We remember what our sister Betty Cariño teaches us: they are afraid of us because we are not afraid of them. Betty was assassinated 13 years ago in a criminal act of the State such as the one that occurred yesterday at Mogoñe Viejo.
National and international caravan El Sur Resiste